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Toys for Wolfson Children's Hospital
If you've visited our office, you may have noticed the toy shelves on the wall outside of the main conference room. For several...

Are Taxes Going Up in the Future?
No one has a crystal ball that provides a definitive answer to future tax liability. But if you look at the situation as a whole,...

Traveling in Retirement: Satisfying Wanderlust in Retirement with a Well-Tended Nest Egg
Big thanks to David O. for doing this interview. He and his wife, Susan, are long-time clients and great friends of everyone at...

Join us for our September Open House!
I've heard it said that seeing a financial representative is kind of like seeing...
Stratton & Company on the air — our segment on WJCT
This morning, Stratton & Company was on the air! Cindy Collins, our executive vice president, was a guest on First Coast Connect...